Sunday, December 18, 2005

notice of cancellation

Hilary holds up a cardboard sign for her friends:

Traditionally, the week before Christmas is a time for hanging out with friends. I send you all my warmest greetings as you hang out, drink and tell stories. However, my plan is to politely but unapologetically decline every invitation I receive until a) my grades are in and b) my preface is finished. Both of these tasks might occupy me until Thursday morning. Tonight, I plan to send specific cancellations, with apologies, for any engagements that I have made for M-W. Thank you in advance for appreciating my desire to turn in my grades on time and not fail either of my classes.

1 comment:

neal said...

if your going to keep throwing up these signs, maybe you should get one that is a little more durable--remember cardboard signs are kind of flimsy and once they get wet, no good.
You need something with removable, or programable lettering, that runs on battaries.
Something with lights that can be seen from a distance so you don't get run over...
i'll be on the look out for one.