Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the fire

Hilary holds up a cardboard sign for her friends and family:

Girl: Free to good home. It (the home) can have fires in certain places: stove, candles, fireplace, but not in random places: the ceiling, the floor, this wall, or that wall, the bookshelf, that spot over there, those books, that dresser.


neal said...

You are bad ass for getting out and having the presence of mind to grab cloths and tooth brush.
Don't let anyone tell you different.
People die in such fires every day.

Guess you don't really have to worry about your lease now...

Anonymous said...

I have cookies if you want some. Superheros like to eat cookies.

Anonymous said...

hil? i sense there is a rather alarming (no pun intended...okay well maybe a little) story here. please advise.

neal said...

It is very, very important that fire is restricted in houses to the correct locations. Random fires in wooden houses, particularly old wooden houses, is a very bad thing.
And is a good way to make an attractive, squeaking, mincy, skinny little shaved-head girl go bye-bye.
If you really want to stop the whole 'education thing' just start doing rain man tricks at the casinos. [DON'T get any ideas YOU--including me]

Hilary said...

My hair is absolutely not shaved. I have thick, adorable peach fuzz. It's a political statement about brushes.

Anonymous said...

brushes are for the bourgeoisie, combs are the future. small wooden combs as well as spindly ones made of various metals.

neal said...

haha, mitchell that is so alexander pope.
I like your hair and I am happy to see you posting, it tells me you are not where I feared you were.

neal said...
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Hilary said...


I just noticed your post--and I really apologize for the delay in responding.

My house burned down yesterday. I'm absolutely fine, except that my thiking is a little bit fuzzy and I'm having a hard time making decisions. So, I've simply decided to suspend any decision-making till my mind has grasped the totality of the situation.


Anonymous said...

Good christ! I am glad you are okay. Did it burn DOWN down?? Are you staying somewhere that doesn't involve a car/box/yard pile?