Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Describe to me how the fire started:

said the fire marshall.

Okay. I said. It all started in February of 2004, when the notebook computers disappeared from 029 State Hall. I was living in Ferndale with my cat named Naja at the time.


neal said...

You see i had decided to go to study English at Wayne State, following the advice of a matronly transexual friend. At the time I was thinking of medicine or math or music, and spending aftnoons dreaming of my married 36 year old lesbian lover.
Thats when I meet Neal, but that doesn't matter right now.
So I had move out of Ferndale and say good-bye to Naja...

Hilary said...
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Hilary said...

I had to move out of Ferndale due to the shame of documenting my disability with EAS at graduate school which by the way inspired a lifelong imaginary friendship with Malcolm X. Being a student with a disability was getting pretty lame, so I decided to be pretty instead. Which definitely showed *them*--and, unfortunately, a few other people such as my friend's boyfriend. Which brings me back around to the topic of the squid.

Hilary said...

After getting run over by a car and the subsequent shootout, I also survived a tragically unhip tenancy in St. Clair Shores before moving to the ethnically diverse and peaceful Southwest Side. West Siide! We fucking represent. But these houses gotta go.

Hilary said...

Neal, I never refer to Meg as your heterosexual lover.

neal said...

Yeah, well it is more titilating to use the 'Lesbian' card, also it changes the dynamic a bit, and continues to bend gender issue.
TML, I have wine... and warm clothing for long Rochester Night walk.

neal said...

for you, I'm not too keen on long, long walks at night in winter, unless asked to go.

neal said...

she ain't my anything, and never was it seems.

Hilary said...

maybe not the wine but if you knew someone who could get me some um trees. But then again I probably better not breathe smoke.

Hilary said...

i got sweat pants.

boy: all you're gonna do is walk around in your sweat pants. coerrection: in other peoples' sweat pants.

Anonymous said...

fire marshalls have a lot of free time. you should have asked to talk on his radio or ride in the truck. they like that.

emarsh said...

come on, people. marshal. one "l".

Anonymous said...

I am fond of multiple "l"s. Look away. Some "l"s are coming down the pipe. I'm totally useless right now. I guess I will just blather in some other text field for a bit.

Anonymous said...

she is too lovely to be burned; imagine experiencing Fahrenheit 451 in real life...u know...without the whole life in danger thing....

fireMEN are G.I.Joe the real american hero...and knowing is half the battle...

just be pretty ok...

Anonymous said...

look at the spelling Nazis on E...

emarsh said...

spelling nazis on E...that would be funny. "give me a hug...oh, by the way, did you know you spelled 'possessive' wrong? It's ok, I still love you. The lights are so pretty. Want another tab?"

Anonymous said...

The letter E is overrated. I like F. Upper case F. Like coFFee.

neal said...

Sorry erik, that was me; not sure how it got posted as anonymous (it was late/early and I was still on my couch).

emarsh said...

Talking to a friend on the phone this afternoon while looking at the headline in the NYTimes:
"Dude, it says 'Air Marshals shoot and kill man after bomb threat,'" and he's like "you should cut that out and put it on your wall" andiwaslike "Why?" andhewaslike "You could cut out 'Air' and it would be like you--" "No...Duuude, 'Marshal' is spelled with one 'l', which is actually pretty funny, because just this morning on hilary's blog..."
And here we are.

Mitchel, the letter E rules, as in coffEE.

emarsh said...

I figurd that was you Neal. It's just that it's my name and all, like if someone said "Neal down and give me a..." or something, you'd be like "heyyyyy....wait a minute...that's my name...".

Oh, Hi Hilary. We're just having a discussion on your blog about spelling. Don't mind us. :)

Hilary said...

This thread defies normal human explanation.

Anonymous said...

Let's combine letters here. We have "l", "e" and "f".

That's totaly worthless. I'm sorry but I can't really contribute right now because I just had a student cry over losing a single point. If it matters to anyone this student was also a guy who waited until everyone else left class so he could have me all to himself to throw a fit.

Hilary said...

Ohhhhhhhhh. If I met that student right now, I'd fucking annihilate him for you.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't deserve to be beaten with your actual fists so I hope you make sure to use some sort of prosthetic or appliance to crush him entirely. I appreciate the sentiment, but I just want to make sure you don't use up too much of your energy.

You have things to do.

neal said...

yes, but i've never given you a hug erik...?

Anonymous said...

What am I doing here? Definitely not lurking.

emarsh said...

yeah, but you would, neal, if you were on E. In fact, we should totally distribute pills to everybody at the dept holiday party.It would be so...festive.

emarsh said...

Mitchell, we know the only letters you really care about are A,C,G, and T.

neal said...

alright, this thread IS weird.
Eirk if you needed a hug I would give you one, but it'd be awkward; I'm not exactly a hugging guys kind of guy (not that there is anything wrong with that).

Why do I sense some sort of diffused hostility here, some sort of chimp thing going on?
Come on now.

I suspect that salvaging stuff from the house is going to need to happen...
And moving and stuff...
A restocking of new home effort will be needed...
Keeping the refugee housed, feed, and free from freaking out...

neal said...

not setting myself as superior, just feeling itchy in this thread's sub-text(?), I could be wrong. And it could be all me.
Either way, solution and task focus is far more salient than what ever has been going on here.

emarsh said...

neal...not sure what you mean. i was just messing around with the marshall thing because it's my last name, and the E thing was (a poor) joke about ecstasy.

now, the chimp thing on julie's blog, THAT may have had a subtext... ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

there must be a character limit... that was actually something much longer...

Hilary said...

News flash. A subtext in a comment thread is a sub sub text.
love, the refugee

neal said...

make it stop, why am I even checking this thread.
Hily, I foresee a party in your new place. It'll be fun, invite plenty of girls that want to be flirted with.

Anonymous said...

Hilary, where will you have this party? I hope that you invite me!!! HUgs, A

emarsh said...

Wouldn't it be funny if I commented on this stupid thread again in like January? Nobody would notice except hilary when/if she gets the notification email.