Tuesday, December 20, 2005

meeting notes

f: With PhD students in the field of Composition, if you want to write a last minute MA essay, you have to sign this form agreeing that you understand what is entailed in order to get the degree.

h: But I do not want to sign that form.

f: I know. And I do not want to make you sign the form. How about if we put it this way: Hilary, I just created this new form! And I would like to have your feedback on the form as a usability test: Does the form make sense? Is it readable? Is it clear? Now, in order to provide me with informed feedback, you are going to have to actually read the form--

h (excitedly): --and then sign it in order to get the full experience as a user!

f: If you say so. Seriously now. I really do just want feedback.

h: Where is this form? Can I read it and sign it now?


h {reflectively}: Wow. Thank you for reasoning with me on my level.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you didn't see the origami folding instructions on the back.