Wednesday, April 20, 2005

being pretty: advantages

Advantages of being pretty:

Not worrying about what you look like frees up a lot of mental disk space for questions like, is Benedict XVI dead yet?


stacy muszynski said...

another advantage: you don't need a mirror. men's eyeballs tell you all you need to know.

then again...
maybe it's not really "pretty" i mean exactly...


what IS pretty again?

stacy muszynski said...
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stacy muszynski said...

oops. what i MEANT to say is too many pretty people spend too much time worrying their prettiness.

Hilary said...


I do not know what I mean by "pretty", exactly, except relative to brushing or not brushing my hair.

But you, you are impossibly pretty. I passed a note to Sharon about it in class.

This is a pure compliment because I have never fantasized about making out with you. :>


Hilary said...

The new pope, Lysistrata. He's an arch-conservative.

Hilary said...

mmm we have to disagree with each other here. What about JPII the articulate Polish actor?

But I do try to stay away from the conceptual relgions. The idea-of-good is theologically cool but sometimes all I can handle is god-the-tree.