Monday, November 21, 2005

Quiz: Are you Kim, Hilary or Shashi?


Kim Lacey said...

Hil, no matter how many packets of sugar you chug, you still won't be #3. (sorry, Shashi, I'm guessing that's least I hope it's not me...oh, shit the vainity is contagous!)

Hilary said...

#3 certainly is Shashi. I took the picture on my cameraphone this morning.

Anonymous said...

hhaahha....I was actually thinking that I was number 3 for the phallic value...but then there is the issue of color here. One is brown, one purple and one red. Dots not feathers imperialist bastards...what next...TROJANS on my polygon...jeez...why don't you just put some freakin shackles on it...(he wink wink nod nods to the kinky one)