Thursday, November 10, 2005

news flash: I'm over it.

dear Fox 2 news,
Notice that, despite being autistic, I somehow worked through my anger at you without going on a murderous rampage. Maybe you should put THAT on the news.


neal said...

hily stop yelling at the retarded fox news people. they're willfully deaf so they can't hear you, they're 90% Republicans so they are basically stupid.
Send them an Email, tell them you are offended. Point out that you are not a gomer, the extreme infrequency of Autistic criminals (it is microscopic per capita compared to NTs). You could also mention Doug Flutie and Dan Marino, two football star quarterbacks with autistic sons.

They won't care, because they are too stupid to realize that grubbing for money accomplishes nothing except make you grub for more money.

Hilary said...

Dear Fox 2 news,
Thanks to several years of graduate school in a writing discipline, I have an axe in my theoretical toolkit.


neal said...

hahaha, exactly. "And I'm sending this note from inside the system."

Anonymous said...

I suggest turning off the television. You can even leave off... or even sell it.

neal said...

no no no, do not listen to him. He doesn't know you. I do not own a TV, but Hily needs a TV. It serves a very essential purpose in her 'humanities' NT education.
In ten years maybe start thinking about ditching the TV.

Hilary said...

Personally I like Mitchell's idea...yeah...especially since my TV and space heater cannot be on at the same time.

Warm warm reading time: I'm saying!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, realy? that is bad! are you sure you don't want a roomate in the burbs? cost less and things would work and be clean. home internet would be affordable, lots of local homogenic-ecclectic-coffee shops... Rangoli around the corner...

Anonymous said...

I have an opposite problem, the radiator is always too hot so I run an air conditioner ALL THE TIME. Heating is basically full blast all the time even if you shut yer little radiator valves. Opening the windows is not an option because many awful things crawl in the wall spaces and a free to parade into your life when you open the windows.