Tuesday, September 06, 2005

So Sharon was checking my departmental mail

and she was like, there are two things that looked important so I took the liberty of--of opening them because I knew you wouldn't.


1 of them is from Dr. Naughton welcolming you to the graduate course in I/O engineering.

Yay! I said happily.

Dress conservatively. said Sharon.

And the second one, well, it's a very boring letter from Name deleted.

What's it about?

Oh... nothing. It is really boring. I should just trash it for you.

But what boring things does it SAY?

Look, Sharon intimated, I know that you are REALLY offended by inconsistent behavior. So the best thing for your relationship with Name deleted is not to read this one, because if you did, the best thing for you to do would be to not react to it, which you won't. But I know you are probably going to start asking for more details. So I have to hang up the phone now.

I dialed Neal.

mmmHello? said Neal.

Hi! I said politely, what it is?

HI-I-I-Laryy, said Neal, is this one of those late night Name deleted-related phone calls?

Um, no, I said.

The reason being is I've noticed that I've been getting those calls less and less, and gosh darn it, I'm going to miss them when they stop completely.

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