Thursday, February 22, 2007

good grief

After the grievance committee meeting this morning, I had a chance to seriously think through the connection between two apparently separate ATTW issues:

#1: The power structure of the panel.

#2: Travelgate.

So here's how I figure.

If I'm roughing it on a kind of warped survivalist retreat where we surivive on locusts and honey (read: no per diem meal allowance) and Jessica and I learn valuable life lessons by raising alpacas, that's fine. Bring on the bunk beds. But in this scenario I expect to rough it at the conference too, taking some meaningful intellectual risks and inviting the panel out for some NY nightlife.

But if I'm going to say "anti-discourse" when prompted (as in: "Actually, Hilary, that's not what we mean by anti-discourse") and sit politely through the whole good-girl / bad-girl / babysitter dynamic we have going? Seriously? That will be 20 dollars a song.