Tuesday, February 27, 2007

travelgate update

Anyway, who says that nagging doesn't work? I, personally, did some champion nagging this weekend, the kind of nagging that veers into stalking.

And what did we get? Travel funding. Oh you will see how far I am willing to go, said Francie to Ross, to make the nagging stop. That's a paraphrase.


Anonymous said...

This matter also grew to include people from other departments and so I have to ask that you not lessen your state of readiness just yet.

There is work yet to be done as i have received a message from a small rodent.

Hilary said...

Oh, certainly not! The patchwork funding that Jessica and I got is only a temporary band-aid, and I'm into going through with the greivance.

But who you? Jessica? Francie? Mitchell? Ganesh? It's surprisingly hard to distinguish among unsigned authors.