Monday, October 24, 2005

getting dressed for school

This morning I caught a glance of my naked reflection prancing by the hallway mirror.

The shimmering eyes in the reflection glanced back.

Yes, I said patiently, yes, I see you. I haven't forgotten about you. I know that you are there.

You are young, I said flatly, lacing up my shoes. My eyes squinted into half-moons, and for a second the inside of me appeared in the mirror, old, grey, gentle and tired.

My palm touched the palm of the reflection. I wish I could send you off without me, I sighed and screwed my mouth into a scold: If I were young and had your figure.

The slender reflection laughed and tugged at its camisole. Frowning carefully, I matched the laces of my boots to the eyelets.

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