Thursday, March 08, 2007

task list


Made bootleg copy of website replacing images of the Welcome Center with abandoned bldgs on mouseover

Badgered Renuka for description of mysterious stranger / email correspondent. He got to her first.

"""" Mike M

"""" Vicki

"""" Michelle. "He's ... nondescript", she said unhelpfully. "Like he might be a Republican : Clean cut. Like a grown-up. Like these are the shirt and pants he got at Kohls".

Made bootleg copy of website replacing images of the Welcome Center with abandoned bldgs on mouseover

Brushed my teeth and hair

Snooped on fjr's active desktop to discover that Ken has his very own folder. How special!

Added my own folder to FJR's active desktop. Title: Hilary's Superfolder That Is Marked In Its Superiority To Ken's Folder.

"Your folder is empty" teased f.

"Yes, but if you turn it inside out it contains the whole world".

ATTW rehearsal.

"Theory is what separates humans from the squirrels".

Came within an inch of committing a sex act in my office.

Confessed to Francie

Stepped over Ruth on my way to the refrigerator. Wait: why was she laying on the floor of the 10th floor lounge?

"I wish I had a cat laying right here", she said, patting her stomach with a pained expression.

Note to f: "See? I am not the only person who lays down when my stomach hurts".

Talked to Kim

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