Wednesday, December 27, 2006

also I am reading a book by

John Irving, because each and every girl I am friends with has a book by this man in her bedroom. Down to the last girl. So I want to understand the magic ["Hilary, there's no *magic* in the book!" Sharon]. The first page is about a young man's complex relationship with his mother. I'm really more of a Harry Potter person.


kfd313 said...

Hi Hilary, it's Kristine.

It's so true, every girl *does* have a John Irving novel in her room. I have two! (Or maybe it's three; I'm too lazy to check.) Theyr'e retained for slightly sentimental purposes--haven't read him in ages. I wonder if there's an age issue here, like it's girls in their twenties that have a "thing" for Irving. Still, I retain a certain fondness; _The World According to Garp_ is very charming.

Though one does wonder what the appeal is, exactly.....

Hope you had a lovely holiday!

Hilary said...

Hi Christine!

I'm reading _Until I Find You_. The first chapter is a young man's reflections on how his relationship with his mother patterned his subsequent relationships with women. [Summary: It's sooo complicated!].

No *wonder* women who read these books go on to find men so disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Any man who casually considereds his relationship with his mother and his relationship with his sexual/romantic partner (male or female, but specifically female) is a little disturbed.
There is no way I desire to have those to concepts in the same sentance/thought/conversation. Now sure, there is some connection, but actively considering it. No, men don't really do that. Nor would a woman really want a man to do that.