Monday, July 17, 2006



Anonymous said...

I like this. I'm curious as to why you chose a winged insect.

Winged insects and arthropods in general are protostomes. Fossils and molecular evidenve date there diversification through time succeeding the cambrian.

Burgess Shale arthropods are as strange as any others and some recent effort have sought to resolve the rapid cladogenesis of the time following the cambrian with fungal evidence observed in the Chinese Doushantuo Formation. Things are entirely worked out and a clear synthesis of fossil and molecular data has yet to come to light.

Anyways - wings and possibly physical size limit this extension if it has to be translated into reality. A clay or Playdoh example would improve the clarity here. Bugs work with that sort of material all the time.

This is an interesting toy for watching ants do work:

Anonymous said...


there = their

evidenve = evidence.
