Tuesday, May 02, 2006

the point of the fact is that

deep down, everyone is afraid of becoming that weird girl down the hall.


neal said...

hahahaha, hey she's cool. A bit odd in voice and mannerisms, but her work has done good.

Do you think she realizes she is the "wierd girl down the hall"?

Do you think you'd know if you were?

What if we aren't precieved as we think we are? What if everyone is just playing along to be polite.

Three orders of Identity: Who you think you are, who others think you are, and who objectively you are; the mathematical equation that is you--there is a truth of it (it is only the expression of that truth that births the possibility of erassure/uncertainty/doubt).

neal said...

what if that absent question mark was as intentional as the parenthetic.(?)
What if I need another cup of coffee?
Or lunch? or Both.

Anonymous said...

I second the Temple Grandin love. Then again, I worked in an animal welfare lab for 3 years so I don't really have a choice. Can't say much for her fashion sense though...